Wednesday, September 8, 2010

History and theory of design is a class that I look forward to going to every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In this class we learn many things about design, and its elements. Not by the class alone but also by the readings that are assigned to the class. In the first few weeks of school we learned about unit, scale, form, aspects. We also explored Vitruvious theory of “architectural harmony”. Stating that, everything must have commodity, firmness, and delight.
Many architectural theories are applied everyday in many ways. One is that architecture is the unavoidable art. How? Architecture is something that can’t be avoided. Human beings have to interact with architecture every day. Not only that but we can’t help but look at it. It’s something that can’t be covered up like a picture done by Michelangelo. It is something that is used for everyday function. Not only is architecture the unavoidable art it is also the open history book, which may be interpreted in various ways.
Vitruvious also examines this idea as architecture being an art. I conclude this because how he compares a successful building structure as having commodity, firmness, and delight. Commodity meaning the structure serves its purpose well and accomplishes what the architect intended for it to achieve. Firmness, which is interpreted, being able to stand on it’s on, without falling down or collapsing. Last but certainly not least, being able to appeal to the human eye, also appealing to the human emotion; being able to move a person emotionally, which is known as delight.
This semester has been thrilling to me, especially these last two weeks. I’ve learned also the life spans of building structures. Some building structures are designed as an external shell containing integrated and finished interiors. Some buildings will be made for one activity then changed and re-designed for another activity. Some buildings will continue its use, its one thing that contributes to the buildings life cycle. We learned about aedicule, which basically means the most basic form of architecture which defines all building structures. This theory begins with the thought that all building are composed of a series of post and lintel compositions.
We were also exposed to an article called the “Hidden Dimension”. The “Hidden Dimension” idealized how buildings could be “happy”. Is this possible? All that this phrase mean is, does the building fit in with its surroundings. It also could mean does the building appeal to the viewer, does it make an emotional connection.
Overall I’ve learned a lot in two weeks about buildings. I’ve never seen architecture in a way that compares it to art, feelings, and an living book. I see architecture now as a teacher. As the what to do and the what not to do, as far as to seeing architecture, and constructing a sound building, that has commodity firmness and delight.


  1. I like how you compared architecture to art and explained your comparison. This is a logical comparison as it is just that. You described its functionality well. I think you demonstated your understanding of the class and material well. If you would have provided an image and connected it with your understanding, your points could have been emphasized more.

  2. Interesting comparison. You forgot to post an image which would have helped visualize what you were talking about. Most of your essay is from a personal account and not from an outside reputable source, for the future please use and site your work from outside sources.

  3. Interesting perspective on the readings. I feel that an image is necessary to understand the material. Futhermore, I think that building examples should be used to futher push you point essay. It feels like the material is a personal recap of class notes and links to the reading would be good to have for next time.

  4. I enjoyed your point essay very much. I liked how you mentioned commodity, firmness and delight, these being one of my favorite theories in architecture. A few suggestions that I do have, however, is to write your essay in word first to spell check your work. Also, you seemed to just be mentioning things discussed in class and not completely explaining what they mean to you. Your opinion is key in this essay. As others have mentioned a reference picture would have helped get your points across also. Overall, good job.

  5. For all that did know, blogger is acting up, and I'm not able to post pictures, I will be translating to word press in the future for assignments. Thanks

  6. Faith, I like how you talked about the quote that we learned in class about architecture being the unavoidable art. This is very true, and no matter where we are, we are always using a space and interacting with it for whatever its purpose is. I like that no matter what, architecture will always be around and be a huge part of our lives, from just starting off by waking up in the morning in your house or apartment. Great points Faith!
