Friday, April 30, 2010

My Process

This was the last project assigned to us as a first year class. We had to take the administration office and redesign it for a artist, or designer, or others. I chose Mrs. Willimgjn Bouman. She is an abstract artist, as well as a designer. My process in shown here.
Although it was a lot of work to do. I really enjoyed this project. I was allowed to get really creative, and learn more about the process and the development of things. I really enjoyed designing the space because I liked the person I was designing for. Her concept about color, and loving what you do for a living, is what made me interested in designing for her. Overall I think that she was a wonderful person to design for and has a wonderful studio space, to help her continue her growth and her art work.

"COLOR is the inspiration to my


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Scavenger Hunt: Clue# 3

For the third part of the scavenger hunt. I had to pick a car and make it my own. I was told to be original,and allow my imagination to flow. So as always I allow my imagination to take control and start to create something that starts out very simple but ends very complex. I enjoyed this assignment a lot.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

sketching Scavenger hunt Clue #2

A lot of times in design, inspiration comes from weird places. Some inspiration comes from, the random things like a orange, or the color purple, a steel pipe and many more. We had to choose an object and repeat or make thumbnails of the item in many different ways. I had an African sculpture that I made my item. Although it's not shown here I did 25 thumbnails and, made a pattern and then put the pattern in my reading space, which was the last part of the assignment. While I was designing the reading space I kinda let my imagination get the best of me as always. I don't know, many times I start on a project and my imagination, starts to wonder about color demensions, atmosphere, and so much more. When I start to design most of the times, bright colors get the best of me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Scavenger Hunt: CLUE #1-b

UNCG cafe is a very spontaneous place. People have some of he most awkward conversations among their friend. I over heard these friends talking about some really surprising things, and sometimes that can be embarrassing, especially if your not careful who you talk around. That's why you should watch what your friends say, but watch who they say it around closer.

Scavenger Hunt: CLUE #1

I was in the computer lab late last night doing work so I, drew a place that I don't normally think to much about. It was a place that I took for granitte at first, but now I see the real beauty of the lab. The lab is like a family, at least the IARc lab . Everyone communicates with one another, and helps out. Then so many diverse conversations happen in the computer lab like, what are you doing this afternoon, my child did this, this is a lot of work and many others. There are many different people in the Lab with many different personalities, people that can liven up the tense moods in the Lab and people that are there to help you when, you've just lost your final exam. IARc one big family, you've got to love it.